Emergency management (or disaster management) is the coordination and integration of all activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capability for disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. It is the continuous process by which all individuals, groups and communities manage hazards in an effort to avoid or ameliorate the impact of disasters resulting from the hazards. And, effective emergency management relies on thorough integration of emergency plans at all levels of government and non-government involvement.

Nigeria has continued to witness a series of embarrassing disasters and emergency situations that are largely human-induced from post-election violence, youth militancy, communal clashes, religious conflicts, fire outbreaks, road accidents, kidnapping and robberies. The magnitudes of the carnage usually overwhelm response agencies responsible for tackling and mitigating the situations.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) as the coordinating organ for response agencies becomes the major attraction, even when its staffs on humanitarian duties survives attacks from warring parties, cases which have been seen during the Jos ethnic crisis, communal clashes between villages. It could be said that with NEMA in place in Nigeria, we have had the problem of coordination with local disaster management, during pre and post emergencies and disasters and because disasters are always localized, all the five phases of emergency management – prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery depend on local structures, which are not effective, to succeed.

Nevertheless, emergency management and coordination has shifted from grounds men to the use of technology to co-ordinate emergencies and humanitarian services. In recent years, advancements in technologies have made it possible for virtual communities such as OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, Sahana, CrisisMappers, Virtual Disaster Viewer, Google MapMaker and INSTEDD to provide increasing support to disaster preparedness and emergency response efforts. A feat that has helped in managing crisis in Libya using the Libya Crisis Map, was used in co-ordinating humanitarian affairs in Haiti and in the Alabama Tornadoes and a list of others.

With disasters been prevalent in Africa, it is most important that we begin to look at leveraging on these technologies, thus leading to capacity building in this area, which in some months will start, no thanks to crisismappers members that are resided in Nigeria. Our Strength lies in the number of Nigerians that uses mobile technologies in communication escalating every day. We hope to create crisis camps in each state, which might comprise of disaster emergency officers, especially in states, Information Technology professionals, social entrepreneurs and volunteers.


Forest is a plant community, predominantly of trees or other woody vegetation, occupying an extensive area of land. In its natural state, a forest remains in a relatively fixed, self – regulated condition over a long period of time.

In Nigeria, we have two predominant classes of forest, which is the Tropical Savannas of the Northern Nigeria, which are dominated by grasses and sedges, with open stands of widely spaced trees that are frequently thorny; and we have the Tropical rain forests which are characteristics of the Southern Nigeria, plant growth is quite profuse here, and because the metamorphosis of leaves occur gradually throughout each year, the forest is always active.

Forests cover only about 12% in 2005 of the country’s total land area, but has shrank into 9.9% in 2010. Deforestation, which is the illegal cutting down of trees has become a major problem, made worse by massive rural-urban migration, and construction works. Other environmental threats include settlement within forest reserved areas, bushfires, increasing demand for fuelwood and timber, road expansion and oil extraction activities.

Perhaps, it should be known that the livelihoods of 80% of the Nigerian population depends on forests, and it provides home to more than 15% people in Nigeria, and even serve as a home to 60% of terrestrial biodiversity.We are quite sure that Nigeria has a wonderful share of the $379 billion total global trade in forest products in 2005.Forests, at large helps in the cycle of carbon usage by which energy flows through Earth’s ecosystem

Nigeria has an organized system of nature preserves, game reserves, and national parks in addition to a forest management system, but most management is carried on at the state level where cases of malpractices and mismanagement of funds are gross, especially with the introduction of ecological funds .Law enforcement and protected system infrastructure are lacking, and abuses of protected land are common. The country also participates in the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

Several Nigerian groups have campaigned actively, but with little success, to compel the government and major oil companies to introduce environmental safeguards. In 1988 the government created the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) to address problems of desertification, oil pollution, and land degradation, but the FEPA has had only a minor impact

Forest is a plant community, predominantly of trees or other woody vegetation, occupyin an extensive area of land. In its natural state, a forest remains in a relatively fixed, self – regulated codition over a long period of time.

In Nigeria, we have two predominant classes of forest, which is the Tropical Savannas of the Northern Nigeria, which are dominated by grasses and sedges, with open stands of widely spaced trees that are frequently thorny; and we have the Tropical rain forests which are characteristics of the Southern Nigeria, plant growth is quite profuse here, and because the metamorphosis of leaves occur gradually throughout each year, the forest is always active.

Forests cover only about 12% in 2005 of the country’s total land area, but has shrank into 9.9% in 2010. Deforestation, which is the illegal cutting down of trees has become a major problem, made worse by massive rural-urban migration, and construction works. Other environmental threats include settlement within forest reserved areas, bushfires, increasing demand for fuelwood and timber, road expansion and oil extraction activities.

Perhaps, it should be known that the livelihoods of 80% of the Nigerian population depends on forests, and it provides home to more than 15% people in Nigeria, and even serve as a home to 60% of terrestrial biodiversity.We are quite sure that Nigeria has a wonderful share of the $379 billion total global trade in forest products in 2005.Forests, at large helps in the cycle of carbon usage by which energy flows through Earth’s ecosystem

Nigeria has an organized system of nature preserves, game reserves, and national parks in addition to a forest management system, but most management is carried on at the state level where cases of malpractices and mismanagement of funds are gross, especially with the introduction of ecological funds .Law enforcement and protected system infrastructure are lacking, and abuses of protected land are common. The country also participates in the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.

Several Nigerian groups have campaigned actively, but with little success, to compel the government and major oil companies to introduce environmental safeguards. In 1988 the government created the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) to address problems of desertification, oil pollution, and land degradation, but the FEPA has had only a minor impact.

With the inception of the internet and youth organizations, the future looks brighter than what it has used to be; we have organizations, volunteers, climate change advocators and social entrepreneurs, now collaborating to make the environment sustainable, we only hope that all levels of government in Nigeria will join hands with this new formations to at least kickstart a new path to a sustainable environment.


The World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations
General Assembly to mark the opening of the 1972 Stockholm Conference
on the Human Environment.Celebrating WED is about the inspirational power of individual actions that collectively become an exponential force for positive change.

WED is celebrated around the world in many ways, including street rallies,
bicycle parades, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools,
tree planting, recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns and much more.

In Nigeria, WED will be celebrated by hiking the hills of Gwarinpa, in Abuja and organizing a climate change workshop on the hills of Gwarinpa on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 9am and on Sunday, June 5, 2011 we will be having an Arts and Crafts exhibition at Dreemi, Plot 75, 1st Avenue, Gwarinpa, Abuja by 3pm with the theme: Forests, Service to Nature. No thanks to the Nigeria Youth Climate Change Coalition and Greenback Nigeria that is putting this together to create awareness about environmental sustainability and issues surrounding Climate Change.

However, as the Environment becomes the biggest threat to all other Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), it will be of much concern to create more awareness on environmental sustainability, in essence, Nigeria’s natural resources, which as become its valuable assets are seriously threatened, mostly by anthropogenic causes. Grim statistics from the Nigeria MDG report for 2010 showed that between 2000 and 2010, the area of forest shrank by a third, from 14.4% to 9.9% of the land area; little progess was made up to 2005 in providing access to safe water and accessing improved sanitation.

Moreover, Nigeria remains acutely vulnerable to climate change and its impacts in each ecological zone will be different. But, if well managed, measures to deal with the effects of climate change which include creating awareness, building eco-friendly communities, encouraging eco-friendly products, and enforcing environmental degradation laws provide important opportunities for ensuring more sustainable progress.


In the past six months, six out of ten clients have made enquiries about an internet business that can fetch them more and quicker profit than what they are doing presently- “the-get-rich-quick-schemes”…what more can we tell them…there are no get-rich-quick-scheme. Just as there are no get-rich-quick-schemes, so there are no secrets.

If you type in “Opportunities to make money” into Google, you get over 72,100,000 hits; 427,000 if you Google Get-rich-quick-schemes; 594,000,000 if you Google “sex”, but God is up there with 363,000,000 and “work is a staggering 5,670,000,000 so maybe there’s hope for us yet.

Now believe us, they do work. But not for you, not for the mugs who sign up, they work for the instigators, beginners, the ones who launch such schemes…as about 45 million Nigerians, using the internet are looking for ways to adapt to a new world…Internet get-rich-quick schemes still exist as a shortcut to success…and the more you try looking…the less you will see…so don’t go buying any of them either.


Perhaps, you must have come across a mail in your inbox titled United Parcel Service Notification or DHL Notification, Please ignore. UPS and DHL does not and will not send a notification to you. Furthermore, the mail is been sent from an e-mail address that looks like these – support3hlfu@ups.com, dhlinqx@dhl.com; a file with a .zip extension is always attached with the mail, for you to view, if you try extracting that file, your device operating system will crash the next day.
Please adhere, and inform others, its quite inevitable, because there are over 40million Nigerians using the internet. Remember, no one can reap, where he/she has not sowed.

Chuka Momoh, use to be one of our new clients, he’s internet saavy, and leverages on Internet to increase ROI with respect to his business. Last week, he sent us a support form for his 5 workstations for vulnerability. We arranged for a vulnerability test, and in few mins, we found out that these mails were the cause of his/workstation’s demise.

He told us the mail was sent to all his employee, and they all tried opening the attachement. Alas!there was a 1.2million worth prototype estate on one of the workstation. The only back up they had was one of the compromised workstation.


Wireless hotspots are changing the way people work. These wireless local area networks (LANs) provide high speed Internet connection in public locations—as well as at home—and need nothing more than a mobile PC such as a laptop or notebook computer equipped with a wireless card.

In fact, hotspots are an everyday connection method for travelers and remote workers to browse the Internet, check their email, and even work on their corporate networks while away from the office.Hotspots range from paid services to public, free connections. Hot spots are everywhere, including:

Coffee shops
Hotel lobbies

But they all have one thing in common—they are all open networks that are vulnerable to security breaches. And that means it’s up to you to protect the data on your PC. Below we cover a few tips to make working in public locations more secure.

1.Try to choose more secure connections
It’s not always possible to choose your connection type—but when you can, opt for
wireless networks that require a network security key or have some other form of
security, such as a certificate. The information sent over these networks is encrypted, which can help protect your computer from unauthorized access. The security features of different networks appear along with the network name as your PC discovers them.

2.Make sure your firewall is activated
A firewall helps protect your mobile PC by preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to your computer through the Internet or a network. It acts as a barrier that checks all incoming information, and then either blocks the information or allows it to come through. All Microsoft Windows operating systems come with a firewall, and you can make sure it’s turned on.

3.Monitor your access points
Chances are that there are multiple wireless networks anywhere you’re trying to
connect. These connections are all access points, because they link into the wired
system that gives you Internet access. So how do you make sure you’re connecting to the right one? Simple—by configuring your PC to let you approve access points before you connect.

4.Disable file and printer sharing
File and printer sharing is a feature that enables other computers on a network to
access resources on your computer. When you are using your mobile PC in a hotspot, it’s best to disable file and printer sharing—when it’s enabled, it leaves your computer vulnerable to hackers. Remember, though, to turn this feature back on when you return to the office.

5.Make your folders private
When the folders on your mobile PC are private, it’s more difficult for hackers to
access your files.

6.Encrypt your files
You can protect your files further by encrypting them, which requires a password to
open or modify them. Because you must perform this procedure on one file at a time,
consider password-protecting only the files that you plan to use while working in a
public place.

7.Consider completely removing sensitive data from your notebook PC
If you’re working with extremely sensitive data, it might be worth taking it off your notebook PC altogether. Instead, save it on a corporate network share and access it only when necessary. This way, you have multiple safeguards in place.


Using your laptop to get work done away from your office or on the road is becoming widely accepted. But this rapid growth in laptop computing has made portable systems the target for theft in Nigeria and around the world. If your laptop computer is stolen, company information can be exposed, as well as your personal and financial information.

Use these 9 tips to learn how you can keep your laptop more secure when you’re on the road.

1. Avoid using computer bags
Computer bags can make it obvious that you’re carrying a laptop. Instead, try toting your laptop in something more common like a padded briefcase or suitcase.

2. Never leave access numbers or passwords in your carrying case
Keeping your password with your laptop is like keeping the keys in the car. Without your password or important access numbers it will be more difficult for a thief to access your personal and corporate information.

3. Carry your laptop with you
Always take your laptop on the plane or train rather then checking it with your luggage. It’s easy to lose luggage and it’s just as easy to lose your laptop. If you’re traveling by car, keep your laptop out of sight. For example, lock it in the trunk when you’re not using it.

4. Encrypt your data
If someone should get your laptop and gain access to your files, encryption can give you another layer of protection. With Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 you can choose to encrypt files and folders. Then, even if someone gains access to an important file, they can’t decrypt it and see your information. Learn more about how to encrypt your data with Windows XP, encrypt your data with Windows Vista, or encrypt your data with Windows 7.

5. Keep your eye on your laptop
When you go through airport security don’t lose sight of your bag. Hold your bag until the person in front of you has gone through the metal detector. Many bags look alike and yours can easily be lost in the shuffle.

6. Avoid setting your laptop on the floor
Putting your laptop on the floor is an easy way to forget or lose track of it. If you have to set it down, try to place it between your feet or against your leg (so you’re always aware it’s there).

7. Buy a laptop security device
If you need to leave your laptop in a room or at your desk, use a laptop security cable to securely attach it to a heavy chair, table, or desk. The cable makes it more difficult for someone to take your laptop. There are also programs that will report the location of a stolen laptop. They work when the laptop connects to the Internet, and can report the laptop’s exact physical location. One such tracing program is ComputracePlus.

8. Use a screen guard
These guards help prevent people from peeking over your shoulder as you work on sensitive information in a public place. This is especially helpful when you’re traveling or need to work in a crowded area. This screen guard from Secure-It is just one example of a screen guard you could use.

9. Try not to leave your laptop in your hotel room or with the front desk
Too many things have been lost in hotel rooms and may not be completely secure. If you must leave your laptop in your room, put the “do not disturb” sign on the door.


Mr Ajala Akinkunmi,an internet-savvy systems engineer,who works for a multinational in Nigeria, got a call from Ajala Akinwunmi, he’s uncle, that Mrs Folake Ajala, Wunmi’s wife is about to undergo a surgery in the hospital, and that he needs financial assistance of about 80,000Naira to pay hospital bills for surgery. Mr Akinkunmi immediately wired that amount of money into an account number of Dr Endgame Albumi of the hospital.

After a week, he did not hear a word from his uncle, then he called Akinwunmi to ask him about the health of his wife. On the other side of the phone, Akinwunmi was amazed by the story Dickson was teling him, he denied ever going through such and that even, Folakemi has just gone out of Lagos.Mr Ajala Akinkunmi couldn’t believe his hears – how could they have gotten those information!simply social engineering.

The Internet should be thought of as a necessary evil that must be controlled in order to get beneficial tasks accomplished. It is like electricity, which provides uncountable benefits to our lives, but if we lose control of it, the results can include electrocution and property damage through fire. The Internet is a powerful tool that can cause serious harm to your organization and your personal lives if not managed properly. So don’t use the Internet without proper protection and awareness.Here is a rundown of the guidelines to observe when using the internet:

1.Never share personal data with a website
2.Be careful what you reveal about yourself in chat rooms, via messaging, on discussion boards, to surveys, and so forth.
3.Be suspicious of whom you interact with over the Internet until you NN have absolute proof of their identity and trustworthiness.
4.Only make on-line purchases from trusted sites (such as sites with a reputation of protecting its users/visitors).
5.Keep an eye on the domain name in the URL you visit; if it turns into an IP address,a large decimal number, or a strange two-letter country code site, you may have been redirected.
6.Keep your operating system utilities updated and patched.
7.Don’t download data from unknown sites.
8.Remember that you are probably being watched by an unknown malicious entity while you surf the Internet.
9.Don’t leave Internet connections open and active when you are not actively using your computer.
10.Social engineering, spoofing, phishing, and hoaxes can all take place via computer communications such as e‑mail and chat and on the Web—watch out!


Passwords are just long or short strings of characters typed onto a keyboard from memory.You use passwords in withdrawing cash from ATMs, in paying for goods and services in Nigeria and abroad; also to log in to your facebook account or any other social media sites such as twitter, linkedin etc;When you join an organisation that is IT driven, to log in to the companies environment, you must be authenticated with a password; You use them when checking mails especially on Yahoo, others include Hotmail, Gmail and a list of other email supporting sites; you also use it in managing your websites.

Consequently, it could be said that passwords are the key to the essence of locking the doors to the vast opportunities that are embedded in utilizing modern day technologies.Passwords are the most common form of authentication in Nigeria, at the same time, they are the weakest form of authentication.

Password attacks have become ubiquitous that in less than five seconds, your password can be compromised, and whatever happens after that is history. No matter how many passwords are used, multiple passwords are ultimately no stronger than any single password by itself. It will be pertinent to inform you that longer and more complex passwords will take more time and more processing power, but this does not change the fact that your password can’t be surmised.

If 50% of Nigerians have access to ATM cards, suffice it to say that those percentage of Nigerians are vulnerable to losing their money at one point or the other due to password compromise or negligence; If 15% Nigerians are using facebook and 30% are using Yahoomail, it thus means that someday, these set of Nigerians might lose access to personal information in their mail box, perhaps they might become a victim of identity theft whereby a criminal takes up their identity.

To avoid this eminent danger that’s looking at us, we must change the way we create and manage passwords.(Please read How to Create passwords on this Blog).
1. Do not use Dictionary words as your password.
2. Do not write passwords on paper or store them anywhere.
3. Memorize your passwords.
4. Do not use names as passwords.
5. Always include non-alphabetic characters such as £, $, & in your passwords.
6. Do not use the same password you use to log in to your Yahoomail for your facebook account.
7. Change passwords as often as possible.
8. Never give out your password or password hint on any website, other than the website its been used for.


ATM cards has become the most vulnerable IT gadget we take about in Nigeria.7 out of 10 people in Nigeria uses their year of birth as their Personal Identification Number (PIN)!Please, if you have done that, change your PIN right away; Do not use numbers associated with you as your PIN (please refer to how to create passwords);Do not tell anybody your PIN-They might use it later, or tell someone else unconsciously; Do not write your PIN on a paper, please try and know the four characters by heart.

As the Banking industry as resorted to downsizing as one of their strategies in recuperating from the economy downturn in the country, it will be expedient for Nigerians that patronizes these banks, especially, the affected ones, to keep watch on their ATM transactions, they can resort to changing their PIN every 20 days; check on their bank transaction statement whenever they visit the banks.

Obviously, the internet has become a safe haven for fraudsters all around the world, Phishing sites now populate our emails with ATM update mails. Please Do not respond to those mails, delete those mails immediately!No bank or organization in Nigeria or in other part of the world will ask you to “upgrade or update your ATM Card Information”.

Online Shopping has become one of the holy grails Nigerians can not afford to meet up with, and if they do, they should be aware that even in developed countries, credit card scams that emanate from online shopping constitute to about 60% of cybercrimes that has been witnessed over time; You should be conscious of the websites your transact business with or on, check if they are been verified by an authorized SSL (secure socket layer)certificate vendor which includes companies like Verisign, Thwate, and Digicert.

The ATM as become part of our life, and it makes transactions easier, for us to maximize its usage, we must protect our PIN from fraudsters, it is only then, we can be rest assured of enjoying the value that comes with Information Technology