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Ajani Benjani, decided to visit the oldest man in his village who happened to be his uncle,Mr Fani Benjani, after he got the news that he has gotten under the weather.

Ajani got to the old house just at a time his uncle was about giving up the ghost.Ajani was surprised about the thiings that he saw adorning the the sitting room of the house.he took and eye audit of each one.The Old telephone that has been since the time of alexander Graham Bell.he asked his uncle, if he could remember when he bought it,he didnt reply, but just noded.

Still bewildered, he noticed a gramophone that has an inscription of E. Brliner’s signature, and just placed beside it was Roger bacon’s gunpowder.

Ajani couldnt figure out if he was in a museum or lost in an ancient pyramid. Meanwhile, Mr fani who was struggling with Parkinson disease was wondering whats running through ajani’s mind.Ajani was about asking Mr Fani a question when he’s old phone rang(Mr fani),at the same time, Ajani’s phone was beeping with a calling tune.They say,its a best of both world’s-the archaic and the new world! Mr Fani’s maid came to pick the call for him, while Ajani was receiving his call.at the end of both calls, Mr fani took a deep breath and said “we’ve both answered a call, it doesnt matter how innovative yours has gone through,the high point is that we’ve communicated”He affirmed.he continued,that in his lifetime, there has been different innovations, but there aint anything new.From the Telephone to the Gramophone,to the Gunpowder, they have all been and were foundations.

Only one thing is relevant and new, innovation will never take its beauty away and that’s the world most sold book of the the Gospel, it has never changed. From the Pentateuch to the Revelations, none changed and all is relevant. The story about it never grow old, therefore let the greatest story ever told make you brand-new-forever!

Author: Oludotun Babayemi

I work on for profit or not - for - profit projects as a Project Planner, Grant Writer and Information Manager.11 years ago, I started Cloneshouse Nigeria, 10 years ago, I started Follow The Money, with a Colleague in 2012, a citizen-led movement that promotes social accountability in rural communities, which a year after, got registered legally as Connected Development [CODE]. In the past 7 years, I have evaluated projects on Water, Power, Education, Health, Disaster Risk in Nigeria, and West Africa countries with the United Nations and the Japan International Corporation Agency. Education and Fellowships include Stanford University, USA; Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria; School of Data, Open Knowledge International, UK; USAID - Crisismappers. I Tweet @dotunbabayemi and am an email away at oludotunbabayemi@gmail.com

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